Owning a Home is YOUR Hedge Against Inflation

You have felt it!! Gas, Groceries, Cars, Tools, and EveryDay Items are going up and cost more almost daily. These climbing consumer costs hurt your Budget, possibly postponing many purchases, especially the larger items. Here are thoughts on why Buying a Home or Owning a Home can help you fight the demands of inflation. Owning… Read more »


HERE’S HOW TO RENT OUT YOUR PROPERTY Renting a property out in Southern Utah may seem like a relatively simple task, but for first timers, there’s a lot to learn. That said, once you have a clear understanding of what’s involved, it’s a matter of working through the steps to ensure best that you attract… Read more »

Do Plants Help Sell a Home?

When you’re looking to sell your house in Southern Utah, there are a lot of little things that you can do to increase the likelihood that some prospective buyer is going to make an offer. Many of the tips you’ll find to improve your home’s appeal focus on things inside the house, ranging from paint… Read more »

Benefits of Owning Rental Properties in Southern Utah

Is owning a rental property in Southern Utah still a good investment as it was ten to fifteen years ago? Should you seriously be considering real estate investing as a major cornerstone of your investment strategy? Why should you buy a rental property versus any other type of asset? The surprising answer is that rental… Read more »


When living with kids, there’s bound to be overflowing amounts of love, endless laughter, and lots and lots of mess. One part of their bedroom that will never cease to be in a constant state of disorder is their closet. It’s a never-ending battle, and as parents or guardians, you must be ready with a few… Read more »

Getting Your Garage Ready Before Listing Your Home For Sale

It’s no secret that garages are one of the best places to store your belongings, and they come in handy when you’re working on personal projects. Whether you’re looking to list your home or just want to prepare your garage so you can use it more efficiently, it’s important to make sure everything in there… Read more »

Enhance Your Home Safety With These Exterior and Interior Checks

Regular inspections of your home in Southern Utah can help you address issues before they cause any harm. While seasonal home inspections are the ultimate way to stay on top of maintenance and potential risks, performing an in-depth safety check at least once a year will ensure that you identify minor concerns before they become… Read more »

4 Essential Steps to Buying a Home in Southern Utah

Buying a home in Southern Utah can be a complicated undertaking, especially for first-time buyers. From assessing your financial situation and establishing a budget to arranging for a professional inspection of a property you’re interested in buying, here are some essential steps that could end up making quite a difference: Establish a Budget Lacking a… Read more »

4 Essentials to Sell Your Home

Selling your home in the St. George and Southern Utah area doesn’t have to be an ordeal. By concentrating on just a few key things it’s possible to minimize the time your property spends on the market. From improving curb appeal to removing excess clutter, here are several things that can help you to improve… Read more »

7 Features senior buyers should look in a house

Before 1960, when urban development began, senior homebuyers had a difficult time locating builders that could meet their unique requirements or build to suit. Today, there are still plenty of retirees looking to find their forever home. Seeing how more and more people choose to grow older in their own homes, it’s imperative that these… Read more »